Local Transportation Plan - Intervention Strategies
Who can participate in this survey ?
Anyone who lives, works, studies or does business in the Borough, in short, anyone who travels to or within the Borough of Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce.
The Local Transportation Plan (PLD) is entering its final active phase, with the development of orientation strategies that will guide the borough in the actions to be undertaken and the priorities to be put forward, in the implementation of the PLD.
We have consulted the population on two occasions. First, in the spring of 2022, we wanted to find out more about your daily commuting habits and your appreciation of mobility in the borough. Subsequently, in the fall of 2022, you were able to participate in thematic discussion workshops, to further analyze mobility issues and needs, and to react to the proposed diagnostic elements.
Current approach
Today, you are called upon to give your opinion on a set of possible strategies. The recommended solutions will make it possible to remedy, attenuate or transform certain undesirable situations, based on the issues raised during the diagnosis, and during our first consultations.
We propose five main axes from which follow the intervention strategies. The suggested list also includes some ideas for measures, actions and projects. Your assessment of the recommended strategies will guide the Borough in its actions to be implemented.
In September, we will present you with a finalized PLD, in which all the measures and actions should be integrated.
Stay tuned !