LaSalle's second participatory budget process, launched last January, has reached its final stage: the start of the residents' voting period.
What is a participatory budget?
Under the theme "A living environment that reflects your aspirations", the participatory budget process aims to:
Introduce residents to municipal democratic life.
Involve residents in improving their living environment by calling on their expertise and creativity.
Promote social cohesion and a sense of belonging to the community.
A total of $150,000 has been budgeted to carry out innovative and creative civic projects that will make a difference on Borough territory. Nearly one hundred ideas have been received. Following development and analysis, a list of 9 projects is being submitted to LaSalle residents for a vote.
And now it's time to vote!
October 4-30, 2022, anyone living on borough of LaSalle territory who is 12 years of age or older may vote; one vote per person. However, when voting, a resident may select up to 4 projects among the 9 submitted for voting.
Either online : « Vote here »
Or on paper, using the special form available at the:
Bureau Accès LaSalle
55 avenue Dupras
LaSalle, Québec H8R 4A8
L'Octogone library
2101 avenue Dollard
LaSalle, Quebec H8N 2T9
Centre culturel et communautaire Henri-Lemieux
7644 rue Édouard
LaSalle, Québec H8P 1T3
Carrefour récréatif et communautaire de LaSalle
8700, rue Hardy
Montréal (Québec)
H8N 1S2
Consultation has concluded