Find out the results of the Grand parc de l’Ouest consultation
The consultation report expressing the results of the participatory process is now available. Learn about the vision, values, guiding principles and the many ideas that emerged from the consultation activities.
By participating in large numbers, Montrealers were able to contribute to the collective vision of the Grand Parc de l'Ouest project through five virtual consultation activities :
1. Making Montréal 20 530 visits of the web page
2. Share your ideas 684 contributions (ideas, votes and comments)
3. Collaborative workshop 32 organizations represented
4. Survey 4 335 people completed the survey and over 2 500 ideas
5. Vidéo synthèse 596 views
These results allow the City of Montreal to continue planning the Grand Parc de l'Ouest in line with the aspirations and needs of Montrealers.
We invite you to watch the word of thanks.
La consultation a pris fin