Share your ideas
This public consultation offers a variety of participation tools to encourage greater involvement, generate ideas for the action plan and prioritize what citizens consider to be the most important actions.
Information document
This illustrated document provides references and lays the foundations for the future Master Plan for Parks and Buildings.
Interactive borough map
The interactive map enables users to indicate on the geographical map the ideas and actions that they consider to be priorities.
Suggestion box
The suggestion box is designed to generate ideas on priority actions and to contribute to the Master Plan's action plan. It is easy to use, intuitive, and facilitates the sharing of images and videos.
The 19 questions in the survey show the respondents' use of, and frequency of visits to, parks and buildings. The questionnaire also provides an opportunity for respondents to validate and enhance the Plan’s vision and guiding principles. It is preferable to consult the information document and the interactive map before answering the survey.
You can submit a brief in this section