Soothing and sociable

Montréal will soon begin the second phase of work on the Sainte-Catherine West project. Remaking this commercial thoroughfare, west of Rue Mansfield, will greatly improve the visitor experience for Montrealers and tourists alike. In harmony with the first phase, the upcoming revitalization has been refined to take into account the specific needs of this unique downtown area.
Work on Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, between Rue Mansfield and Rue Peel, will begin in 2023. It will begin below the roadway, where we find some of the city's oldest underground infrastructure: a water system built in 1862, a sewer system from 1876, and old electrical substations dating back to the expansion of the business district. Their complete replacement is critical and vital to the community.
The redevelopment of Rue Sainte-Catherine between Mansfield and Peel streets will invert the street's usages in favour of pedestrians. With only one lane of traffic and the removal of on-street parking spots, more space will be allocated to pedestrians. Temporary stops for deliveries (maximum 15 minutes) will be allowed only on the south side of the street. Sidewalks will be widened overall by more than 60% to improve the flow of pedestrian traffic and rectify the lack of safe and universal accessibility.
The creation of curb extensions (widened sidewalks beside intersections) for increased safety will also provide new views of Mont Royal from Sainte-Catherine.
Most of the street's footprint will be dedicated to pedestrians, greening, the installation of new street furniture and creation of social spaces and terraces.
Between Rue Mansfield and Rue Peel, nearly 30 new trees will be planted. In addition to greening, the widening of sidewalks will also allow for the creation of flexible zones for commercial terraces, animation and socialization spaces, and areas for artists and artisans. New street furniture elements will be installed to complement the signature Sainte-Catherine furniture line, such as high tables, benches and drinking fountains.
The redeveloped Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest will be easily pedestrianized for special or seasonal events at various times of year, to further encourage local retail activities.
The redevelopment of this major metropolitan commercial thoroughfare will increase comfort and safety while making the pedestrian experience more social and enjoyable. The creation of diversified, user-friendly spaces for all audiences will enhance the commercial offer as well as heritage buildings, in keeping with the city's ecological transition and economic development priorities.
This development is part of Phase 2 of the Sainte-Catherine Ouest project.