What will Phase 2 of the Sainte-Catherine Ouest redevelopment project involve?
Considering the scale of the interventions planned for the realization of the Sainte-Catherine Ouest project, the project was initially separated into two main phases. Phase 1 of the project refers to the redevelopment between de Bleury and Mansfield Street. This work was completed in 2021 and includes the complete redevelopment of Square Phillips.
Phase 2 of the Sainte-Catherine Ouest redevelopment project will involve the rehabilitation of underground infrastructures and the redevelopment of roads and sidewalks between Mansfield Street and Atwater Avenue. A first portion of the street is currently under construction between Mansfield and Peel and will be completed in 2025. In the same year, work will begin on the next lot, between Peel and Saint-Marc. The last portion, between Saint-Marc Street and Atwater Avenue, will be under construction starting in 2030.
Will the development of Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest from Rue Mansfield to Avenue Atwater (Phase 2) be identical to the development from Rue De Bleury to Rue Mansfield (Phase 1)?
In order to ensure that the redevelopment project is consistent along the length of the Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, certain elements of the development concept in Phase 1 will be maintained in Phase 2. Thus, the same materials, street furniture, and the concepts for paving and planting, will be maintained.
Nevertheless, in order to come up with a design that takes into account the particularities and needs specific to Phase 2, the municipal administration, for each lot, will develop a concept adapted to the results of the studies and the public participation activities. The first public participation activities concerning Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, between Rue Mansfield and Rue Bishop, were held in the fall of 2019. They made it possible to survey residents, abutting owners and stakeholders concerning their visions for the future of the first lot.