On the Way to School: Safety and Active Mobility
La consultation a pris fin
The Commission sur le transport et les travaux publics has been mandated (CE230406) to hold a public consultation on safety for school zones. The committee would like to consult Montrealers, especially parents and crossing guards, on safety measures for primary and secondary school zones and active mobility.
This consultation will be an opportunity:
- to inform the citizens about the actions to make the school zones safe, more peaceful and more user-friendly;
- to generate proposition in order to improve the safety of school zones and active mobility.
There are several ways to give your input!
Drop-in Daycare Service
A drop-in daycare service will be offered on request for all the public sessions that will be held at Lucien-Saulnier building. For more information or to register, communicate with the secretariat of the standing committees by telephone at 514 872-3000 or by email at commissions@montreal.ca.
The Lucien-Saulnier building has a level no-step door entry, an automatic door, parking and accessible bathrooms;
The council chamber is accessible to persons with reduced mobility;
The council chamber is equipped with the council chamber is equipped with hearing assistance devices;
An interpretation service in Québec Sign Language (LSQ) or in American Sign Language (ASL) is available on request, subject to the availability of interpreters. To request the service, please contact the Service du greffe five days in advance.
For all other needs, please contact the standing committees’ secretariat by phone at 514 872-3000 or by email at commissions@montreal.ca.