It's Time to Vote!
The voting period is over. Thank you for your participation.
LaSalle's third participatory budget process, launched last February, has reached its final stage: the beginning of the residents' voting period.
October 14 - November 14, 2024, LaSalle residents are now invited to choose from among the projects submitted to the vote.
In 2024, $200,000 will be allocated to projects submitted by and for LaSalle residents. Out of this amount, $50,000 will come from the Comité de transition écologique de LaSalle (CTÉL) and will be used to fund one or more projects related to this theme.
Consult the document Whose Vote Counts.
Voting online: Vote here
Or on a paper form at the following locations:
Bureau Accès LaSalle
55 avenue Dupras
LaSalle, Québec H8R 4A8
L’Octogone library
1080 avenue Dollard
LaSalle, Québec H8N 2T9
Centre culturel et communautaire Henri-Lemieux
7644 rue Édouard
LaSalle, Québec H8P 1T3
Centre récréatif et communautaire de LaSalle
8700 rue Hardy
LaSalle, Québec H8N 1S2

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